Earth Day: Theory & Significance

Earth Day: Theory & Significance 

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an global event that is celebrated on 22 April to support environmental protection. The Earth Day is now celebrated now in 193 countries. John McConnell, in 1969 at UNESCO conference in San Francisco, offered a proposal to devote a day to the place that thrives all beings irrespective of their Name, Caste, Gender, doesn't matter if its a Human or an Animal or even Plants. So the first time Earth Day was celebrated on March 21, 1970 and even today it has its own significance and importance in every country.

Earth's Day: Theory & Significance
Earth's Day 2020

On what scale was the First Earth Day celebrated?

The first Earth Day celebrated on March 21, 1970 was a huge turn over for entire World. It took place in about 2000 Colleges and Universities, about 10,000 primary and secondary schools and hundreds of communities took part in it as well. This non-profitable event was observed by every country across the world. According to Denis Hayes, The Earth Day is now the worlds biggest secular holiday, and is celebrated by billions of people across the entire Globe.

Why is Earth Day 2020 important?

Well, Earth Day 2020 is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. This Year's celebration will include activities such as the Great Global CleanUp, Citizen Science, Advocacy, Education, and artDue to CoronaVirus or CoVid-19, the activities might have some impact due to some health issues but as the citizen of Earth, We all will stay together and aim at one thing today that no matter what happens, Earth is our home. We might be from different countries following different religions but at the end of the day we all are human beings. 

Our existence is what reminds us that earth has offered us a gift by giving us all a home which we should honor and handle with care. Violence, Fights, riots and Wars are going on since the day Earth became our Home, but for those who don't know peace let me tell you guys for all these ciaos we need a place at the end we all must thrive, So at the end I will suggest and request whole heatedly that honor this Gift of God and be Humans. Also Happy Earth's Day to all my Friends. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and protect our Earth not just on the occasion of Earth Day but each and every Day throughout the year. 

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