10 Days foreign language learning challenge !!!!

Learning Foreign Language in 10 Days

Hallo, Ich bin ThatWasInsane Es war schon sie kennenzulernen !!

Hey, I am  ThatWasInsane  Nice to meet you !!

how to learn foreign language in 10 days

Wasn't too hard right? Well, 2 Weeks ago I was just going through YouTube and i saw a guy who spoke 20 languages and I was amazed, He spoke almost every language fluently. So I kinda got motivated and I challenged myself to learn German, Spanish and Dutch.  In the beginning I was thinking how long will it take to learn a language like German or Spanish. and finally i got my answer.
Before I tell you how to learn a language in 10 days let me give you a brief about myself. I did knew a bit of German already like How to greet someone and how to introduce myself and few other words but that's nothing in compared of what i learned in 10 days. So i request you not to freak out !!

Okay, So How did i managed to learn a language in 10 days? Well first of all you need to think smartly if you are about to learn a language. What people generally do is they start learning with alphabets and to be honest in language such as German or Spanish or any other language No one's gonna ask you alphabets so don't make that mistakes. Also what most people do is they start learning vocabulary without thinking about it. Guys to be honest these are some worst things you can do to learn language because while you learn vocabulary you every single word that you come across..
Just think for a second No one's gonna ask you what do we call hanger or bath tub in German or whatever language you learn at least not in day to day conversation so don't do that.

Firstly, what I did was I started with some basic words like Hello, Thank you, Welcome, Have a nice day, Goodbye etc. The idea behind this is that it gives you an idea how to pronounce words and how to develop the accent that your tongue never did. Then I searched google for 1000 most common German words and along with Grammar for rest 9 days. 
Let me tell you why this is a good idea and how will it help you.

Look, In any language that you speak, there are about 300,000 words and amongst those 300,000 words we use only 10,000 words in our daily life. Now if you learned at least 1000 of them in 10 days you will be in a position to carry up a conversation with someone and that's what we need. The main point being the Grammar because if you don't know some words it's alright you can use other word instead of that or worst case scenario skip that sentence but if you don't know Grammar then you won't be able to make a single sentence.
Talking of facts if you learn 1000 words of any language along with Grammar you can make approximately 100,000 sentences out of them. I hope that would be sufficient work for 10 Days.
Isn't it? 

So in a nutshell there are 3 things you need to do 
1. Top priority : Understand the grammar and learn it.
2. Learn 1000 most common words or more if you can.
3. Try to implement in day to day life and also listen some music or watch videos in that particular          language. 

For point 3, you can use postcards and write the words on it along with translation and stick it on that very thing. For example: TV is known as fernseher in German so take a post card and stick it on the TV with its name in both your mother tongue and the language you choose to prefer.
Other than  this watch movies or listen to music in free time to understand and remember things better because theories say that humans learn more by visualizing rather than simply mugging them up.

So try this out and let us know if it was useful for you or not !!
Auf wiedersehen Leute !!

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