How we made our first video and completed 1k subscribers in 10 days

ThatWasInsane First Video Tour

Hello everybody, what's up? 

So, this post is just to tell how we started our YouTube Channel and How it gained 1k subscriber in 2 months. So, it was around January starting when we came up with this idea of YouTube and it took us about 1 week to decide just the niche LOL!! and that too it was Addy (Kartik) who came up with this idea of prank channel in which we can prank our family and friends because pranking on strangers had became an old idea but family and friends are always on the top list of entertainment so we finally decided to agree upon the idea of this title "ThatWasInsane" which was also by Kartik (Addy).
Thereafter we just planned that next day we'll go out somewhere to record some stuffs.

On Day 1, we just recorded the intro of our channel LOL!! and it was really tuff to come up with ideas at the beginning. Ricky has really a short temper so he got mad at yelled at Hary (Kapil) and it was all messed up.

Next Day we thought we'd do something different we'll first decide what to do in the first video and then we'll do it on the upcoming days and again same theory we just sat around like fools and Ricky as i said has short temper so i don't know what happened suddenly but he stood up and he splited on Harry for real and i freaked out what's going on and suddenly Ricky started laughing and said see it's a good prank ...... 
here's the clip of that moment...

Link to the full video :   Click Here

And that was the first ever clip for our channel .... then later that day we shooted some more clips and the task of editing and combining was honoured to Addy LOL!! So finally when the video was uploaded we got around 150 subscribers  and about 600 views 
and to be honest that was beyond our expectation because it was our first video.
So how did we actually gained so much subscriber and views in our 1st week!!
well, to be honest we used all the related tags to our video and one of the tag "Dares" made our video rank to 2nd place and then at 1st place so that was how we got all that support we think.
and also we shared our video to our social media obviously and also we created instagram account and facebook too on the name of ThatWasInsane so it also helped somehow.
And later after our 3rd video we completed our 1000 subscribers with almost 2k views on each video and that was amazing...

And Yeah i wanna thnk you guys because without you it was an impossible job so thank you guys...!!

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